The utilization of co- creation and customisation on a business

by andydolby20

Co-creation and customisation is at the heart of our business as our service is set to fit around our target maket, whether bringing clothes to your door, offering specialised advice to the customer through our fashion experts. We also design and make clothing to order using our affiliated fashion designers.

Co-creation “follows a innovative business model that allows it to create a high variety of products without heavy investments in market research to access customer preferences”  (Paul Sloane, 2011, 107). This also gives the benefit of primary research, as it allows you to see what trends and new features our target markets want and allows you to customise the clothing ranges. The market for De-Vois very niche because we are targeting people who cannot go and collect or shop for themselves and creating value is key to obtaining these customers, they also have a tailoring service for them to be tailored at home so they don’t have to come down to the shops. With this on the official website they have a digital mannequin so that they can upload pictures and use that to compare the clothes on them.  They have also given the business different levels of membership so they can not only customise their clothes choice but also the level of service they receive depending on their own financial needs and free time.  We hope co-creation and customisation will add to the overall value of not just the product but also the service

Holmes & Yang - Presentation - Spring 2013 Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week

Social media

Social media for De-Voi will be a one of our main value adding tools as it allows to keep our customers up to date quicker and easier than any other for a of communication according to Dave Evans et al “social technologies on a mass scale, connect people in ways that facilitate sharing information” ( Dave Evans et al, 2010 ,introduction)  which our aim to access the amount of people on social network at a lower cost to a higher benefit also with social media you have access to a very high potential consumer market.

They will use social sites such as Twitter to have a direct and continuous stream of information to the consumer and keep an eye on trends to do with the business. They can use Facebook to advertise the brand and build notoriety and direct communication with the brand tribes. Their aim is to also use You Tube to post videos and pictures of new clothing ranges and releases by our designers.

With Social Media platforms we will advertise our official website and increase the Internet traffic to our website.

Community rules

On the official website we will have an official message board and fan page where customers can talk about the anything to do with the brand or any other aspects of the business that the customer has an opinion on, these will be moderated as well as made sure none of the messages are offensive whilst respecting individual opinions. They will also have frequently asked questions section as well as a section for complaints so that we can be seen as transparent to our customers. Having a community will also benefit research as it allows us to see what people’s ideas are other than our own, especially as it is a fan driven medium for communication. We would also like to use CRM (Customer relationship management) in this as it can be used to identify potential clients.


Our brand is advocated through affiliate designers and stores that promote us to potential customers that would like to buy their products, but don’t have the time and are very specific on the choices they require. Dave Evans Et-al states “collaborative activities, in a business context, are designed to move current and potential customers up and thought the engagement process toward true advocacy.” This means to be a true advocate of the brand they need to collaborate with the brand in some ways and not just word of mouth as with consumers, but when its business to business trading they need to promote our brand so that we can help promote theirs.

Sharing stories

De-Voi uses Social Media and official message boards to help consumers of the brand to share stories and show a collective as well as individual opinion on where the business is going right and wrong. They can also use our website to “like” our business thought Facebook and also “Retweet” on twitter to spread stories and the name of our brand.

News and events

We release news and events information though our social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter, which also allows brand advocates to spread the word of the brand. We also use our official website to keep the consumer up to date with new products and services we provide. We can also so the latest offers and newest designs and designers to work for the business.